Participants in SYTC's Juniors program are grouped according to age (5-8, 9-14, 14 and up) and skill level. Students learn the fundamental techniques, skills, and etiquette necessary to play tennis. Our teaching pros focus on the various tennis strokes - forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads, and serves - using fast-paced, enjoyable drills and games. Participants move from court to court in a lively, energetic interaction with instructors as they develop their skills in an environment focused on fun-filled learning. More than 70 enthusiastic young players participated in the 2024 program with plenty of room for more.
Tennis is the ultimate lifetime sport - and there's no better way to learn to play than to start young!
Tennis is the ultimate lifetime sport - and there's no better way to learn to play than to start young!
Hand and Eye CoordinationTennis is a lot more than hitting the ball. Juniors learn to practice the core essentials through guided discovery drills.
Building ConfidenceSuccess breeds success. Participants develop both skills and attitude from
their experience at SYTC that serve them well in life. |
Shot DevelopmentDeveloping good shot technique and proper shot selection is key to winning competitive tennis. Students work to develop correct shots and make them become automatic.

Start the day with sailing lessons at the Bass River Yacht Club. Our neighbors and friends at the nearby BRYC have organized their Youth Sailing Program to coordinate with SYTC’s Juniors Tennis Program. Sailors participating in their morning sailing school can be escorted (walking or biking) to SYTC by a sailing school coach after a supervised lunch arriving in time for the 1pm lesson. Parents can therefore drop off children at the sailing school for the 8:30 AM start and collect them from the tennis courts at 2 PM. Details and information on sailing is available at: